Wednesday, October 26 – Join our panel on Zoom from 7-8:30 PM
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Hear about our new state law, how to shop locally and recycling’s latest
Senator Nancy Skinner is a member of the California State Senate. A Democrat, she represents California’s 9th State Senate district, encompassing much of the East Bay. Senator Skinner will speak about the history of the bill she co-sponsored, SB 54, the Solid Waste, Reporting, Packaging and Plastic Food Service Act, seen by many as a leading bill in the US. She’ll discuss the need for the bill, the history of the bill, and how it came to her attention. She’ll discuss any community groups involved with the bill and how this bill will affect citizens. Are there any costs or benefits passed to consumers as a result of the bill?
Join Amy Golan from Planet Renu in an interactive discussion on how to live more sustainably and more green. We will cover a variety of areas showing how each person can make important changes to reduce their carbon footprint. Amy started Planet Renu as a vehicle to help people make a difference. Amy has a Planet Renu zero waste refill store in Walnut Creek, she also does events, and workshops and this fall, she is launching Planet Renu Green Guru Consulting. She is offering a green home audit for households to help individuals make real changes in their home and their lifestyle and next year she will expand to offer this service to small businesses.
Kimberly Lam is a Municipal Manager at Republic Services, and has worked there for almost 10 years. She coordinates collection programs for cities in Contra Costa, and leads a team of 8 Recycling Coordinators who assist businesses and residents with recycling and composting programs. Kimberly will be sharing insights about recycling, including best practices, how recyclables are collected and processed, and what happens afterwards!